martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Unit 1 - Childhood Memories

In the last weeks I was talking with my grandmother and she told me some things about her childhood. She was born in Tia Juana in 1940 and she grew up in Lagunillas.

She used to play with dolls like all the girls and she loves to have fun with other kids from her neighborhood. She was always playing a lot of different typical venezuelan games with her friends.
At the age of 13 she visited for the first time the city of maracaibo. She always remember that trip because the Maracaibo brige didn't exist.

2 comentarios:

bili dijo...

I always loved to listen to my grandparents talking about their childhood, it's just great to listen to all the things they had to go makes you apriciate everything even more than you do now...

JC dijo...

Hi from Venezuela!

Yeah my grandparents always have a lot of great histories and I learned much from them.