viernes, 27 de julio de 2007

Unit 12: It really works

For this unit we created a new antiacid called OUT ACID. And we made a very cool comercial

This is the comercial for OUT ACID the new antiacid with delicious flavor. I hope you like it!

2 comentarios:

Doris Molero dijo...

Hello JC!!!! This video is absolutely great.... good work! Congratulations to the actresses, they were excellent.

JC remember that it's a good idea to write a little introduction and a little final comment so people can read what the task is about. Your video is excellent but I think people will be wondering why you are posting that video in your blog... tell your audience what your post are about by writing an introductory comment and say goodbye and invite people to keep on reading by writing a concluding comment.

Anónimo dijo...

Now I would' ve used ChickHen to flash custom firmware to his psp but he updated to 5.55. So I was wondering if the Half Byte Loader program would be able to run the 5.50 D3 installer at all, since I noticed the program is beta and apparently as many problems left, long enough to flash firmware without bricking his psp.